Not All Teeth Whitening Products are the Same: Ask a Dentist First

Having a smile that lightens the room is the goal of many. In fact, people will go to just about any lengths to get those sparkling teeth like a movie star. However, before you use any teeth whitening products over-the-counter, you should always have these products approved by your dentist.

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Materials for Dental Implants: A Closer Look at Zirconia and Titanium

Titanium dental implants have long been the first choice of dentists when it comes to replacing a patient’s natural teeth. After all, titanium is very strong and biocompatible. The bone of the jaw fuses well to a titanium post when it is implanted, which makes the crown stable.

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Stabilizing Your Teeth Through Using Posts and Root Canal Procedures

One of the most nerve-wracking sentences you can hear at the dentist’s office is “You need a root canal.” Part of the fear may come from lack of information. However, the actual procedure is easier and more stress-free then in times past, thanks to modern dentistry. A root canal is a procedure used to remove infected pulp from the root canal and interior of a tooth and replace it with another material. If the tooth is badly deteriorated, a crown may be added to protect it. In some cases, a screw-like post made of titanium is inserted into the canal to anchor the filling, provide more stability, and help ensure a better bond between filing and root.

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Using Dental Implants as Tooth Replacement to Fix Speech Impediments

Losing a tooth or several teeth can be problematic. Typically, a person will first pay attention to its effect on his smile and self-confidence. Missing teeth, however, can not only cause loss of self-confidence and eating problems, but it can also cause a speech impediment. Teeth are very important in the process of digestion as it is part of the chewing system. Additionally, teeth are essential in making phonetic sounds in combination with the lips and the tongue. Depending on the location of the missing tooth or teeth, the S, T, F, V, and E sounds can all be affected.

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How to Prevent Periodontal Disease With the Help of Dental Implants

Periodontal disease or gum disease can greatly affect the health of a person’s mouth and gum. When left untreated or addressed too late, gum disease can progress from the deterioration of gums on to the deterioration of the supporting bone structure, which can then lead to tooth loss or gum recession. What most people don’t know is that gum disease is most often preventable if the person has impeccable oral hygiene habits. Brushing the teeth, flossing daily, swishing with mouthwash, and seeing a dentist regularly are some of the simplest ways to prevent the onset of gum disease.

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